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Thursday March 27th 8:30pm
Saturday March 29th 1:00pm

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The Men’s ministry at Taylor Creek exists for the purpose of reaching men with the gospel of Christ,  and growing them into a deeper relationship with Christ through the teaching and study of His word. Our desire is that the man God will be thoroughly equipped for every good work so that he can be all that God has called him to be in his home, church, and the world.


2 Timothy 2:2 “And the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.”

Men's Breakfast

We invite you to join us on the third Saturday of each month from 8-10am.


After sharing a meal together, we will study the Scriptures and discuss how we can apply the truth of God’s Word to our life circumstances. We value this time to pray for one another and to encourage each other in our walk with Christ. Real men, real issues, real faith.


The Breakfast is held in the Main Sanctuary. 

If you have questions or would like to help with cooking or setup,

call or email the church office : (425) 432-0634.

Books Available in the Foyer

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Systematic Theology


Semester Two: NT Survey and the Doctrine of God


-Oct to May  (once a month, starting 10/22)

-6:30 to 8:30 PM Tuesday evenings 

-Upper C.E. Building


​*this is a six semester study with commitments made one semester at a time.



Image by T Steele

Wednesday in the Word


Meeting every other Wednesday morning

at the Black Diamond Bakery at 9am



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