Jesus said, “Permit the children to come to Me; and do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Luke 18:16
Welcome to Discovery Kids!
Discovery Kids Ministry strives to obey this command from the Lord in our attitudes and action
in our classrooms and nursery. Our ministry desire is to help even our youngest to discover
God’s Word and His truth!
Nursery-2’s Preschool Center
3’s-Kindergarten Preschool Center
1-6 th Grade Annex Classrooms
Nursery-2’s Preschool Center
3’s-Kindergarten Preschool Center
Contact if you have questions: Donnetta Dunn
Plant the seeds of God’s Word in our little children so that they may one day come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Provide a loving, safe, and consistent environment where our children can learn about Jesus and His love.
Show parents and the church body that our children’s salvation is no less important than our own!
Make (what may be for some children) a first time separation from their parents a good experience that will have a positive effect on them and their parents.